Friday Works

Boost your brand with our Friday Works packages, designed exclusively for entrepreneurs and business owners.

You can book up to 3 VIP days in a month.
We’ll provide your business with expert consulting, innovative prototypes, and unmatched design skills.

“When can we get started?”
“Friday works!”

Basic Identity

We’ll provide up to 3 brand identity concepts, including a logotype.

Choose one concept; all assets will be provided in 4-color and monochrome. Files will be sent in JPG, PNG, and TIFF formats.

Identity + Marketing

We’ll provide up to 3 brand identity concepts, including a logotype and branded fonts in four process colours and monochrome.

Choose one concept, and we’ll create three promotional images for social media. We’ll arrange a one-hour meeting to finalize your selection. The revised assets will be sent in JPG, PNG, and TIFF formats.

Web Page Refresh

We’ll redesign 1 key page on your website and arrange a one-hour meeting with you and your team to finalize the changes. The final static mockup and web-ready assets will be provided to update your site.

We Also

We offer mixed media arts and murals as extensions of your brand into your office or studio.

We Also

We apply hand-illustrated graphics to greeting cards, t-shirts, stickers, patches, all manner of merchandise.

We Also

We deliver business, design, and website workshops for entrepreneurs. We instruct and mentor for Canada Learning Code and Starter Company via the City of Hamilton.